
Life Isn't Easy

Bile tiap2 ari kene marah...
memang x besy lar kan....
kite buat macam2 tapi...
tetap kene marah...
pening pale aq!!!! hurm...

Memang nak jage ati....
aq engat benda2 yang aq wat sumer..
dapat lar memujuk ati..
tapi...bagi dia..semua tu x cukup memuaskan..

so....its not easy to take care of other's people heart...
even our own....
we always thought that..
life is always ended with beautiful things...
but unfortunately.....
not all will ended like that...

sometimes..its ended with sadness..
painful....and even worse!!!
so...just like i stated..
life isn't easy!!!
we need to struggle to get what we want..
but sometime...we can't always get what we want..
at a certain moment..we might need to let what we have....

ntah ape lar aq melalut!!!!
yang penting!!! if there is a will...there is a way!!! hehehe 
bye2 sumer~~ :)

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