


luper lak....citer sal nightmare....or mimpi yang menakotkan...it must be every1 has their own nightmare....n then klo kite citer kt orang len mesti orang tu cakap kite x basuh kaki lar...everythng la sumer mesti ketan ngn islamic...

sush nk jmpe org yg komen other than islamic..tol x???? the latest one...he said that 'mungkin badan ko lemah kot....ko x cukup rest and ko kene tdow nih....' sush kn nk jmoe org ckp cmnih...best sgt2 kn....sgt relax n not very islamic......

di sebabkn itu aq jadi takot n aq nk berubah cikit....ari ni aq bgun awl n solt subuh...alhamdulillah aq dapat sedikit petunjuk...lega sgt2....btw aq rase arini mesti ari yang lebyh heppy dlm idop aq...aq rase diri aq lebyh terisi n aman....aq nk kurang kn kenegativan aq nih....(ade lak word ni dlm BM).....

sedar x sedar.....idop makin susah....macam2 dugaan nk kene hadap....nightmare ni 1 of it lar...aq rase lar...hehehe....

kay lar..lecturer dh masok..
nk kene off lappy nih..
bye sumer~~~

smabung nnti...

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